Thursday, February 23, 2012

In Arizona Romney Wins Another Debate

Mitt Romney was on his mark last night at the CNN Debate in Arizona. He stayed on the offensive side all night and was able to push past Rick Santorum to the right on the issue of immigration, finally beating Santorum on being severely conservative.

Sitting in a row of elementary school styled desks, Mitt Romney actually looked very comfortable and at ease. Ron Paul slammed Rick Santorum hard several times, and Newt Gingrich chimed in on a slam or two against Mitt Romney. Whenever possible, Ron Paul's intent is to take out Rick Santorum who appears to have slid back into second place. Newt Gingrich was very laid back as if content to throw rocks at Mitt Romney if that's all he had because by his airs last night, he appeared to have resigned to the fact he will not be president.

There were few fireworks at the debate, although you could tell the four contenders have made collegiate pack on defense and offense they were all somewhat subdued. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have teamed up and Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are the other pack.

So confident with his performance, Mitt Romney's campaign manager said today that they will win Michigan even though there has been doubt in the past couple of weeks due to polls.

A roving theory is that Ron Paul is helping Romney to position his son for the VP position.

This week there are bound to be fire-works in development as Super Tuesday is less than one week away.

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