Monday, February 13, 2012

Truth or Dare - Newt Gingrich Told to Practice What he Preaches

A very conservative and very prominently conservative magazine, the National Review publishes a scolding article to Newt Gingrich asking that he drop out of the race for the nomination of the Republican Party contest.

In several polls this first week, Rick Santorum has been named to the top of the tier of rivals contending for the Republican Party nomination to run for president. In the wake, the highly acclaimed National Review asks Newt Gingrich to practice what he preaches and let there be a two man race. This request comes on the heels when Newt Gingrich was crowned the front-runner, he asked that Rick Santorum vacate the field so a clear and decision division could be made as to who would be the best opponent to run against President Barack Obama. And now, the National Review has turned the table and asked that Newt drop out of the race now that Rick Santorum has taken the mantle and made a better case by winning more beauty contests then Newt Gingrich.

"It would be a grave mistake for the party to make someone with such poor judgment and persistent unpopularity its presidential nominee," National Review's editorial board opined Monday. "It is not clear whether Gingrich remains in the race because he still believes he could become president next year or because he wants to avenge his wounded pride." They go on to note that "when he led... he urged the Pennsylvanian to leave the race. On his own arguments the proper course for him now is to endorse Santorum and exit."


I think few real conservatives don't think Newt Gingrich has a prayer to be president.

Exert from The Atlantic -

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