Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rick Santorum Pulls Away and Ahead of Mitt Romney in the Polls

It has to be very frustrating when you have been ahead for a long time and just when you think you have finally put down your most virulent nemesis, a non-contender with no money, no organization, no charm pops up and clobbers you over the head. That’s Mitt Romney that is getting winded in this race by Rick Santorum whose unorganized campaign with a hit and miss strategy has put Rick in a tie with a slight lead over Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney has only been able maintain a modest lead over his rivals as he has been labeled the front runner. But since the three state win by Santorum, Romney has not been able to win over voters to be decisively declared the front runner, and now Rick Santorum leads him by 2 points in a Pew Research Center poll conducted for the week of February 8-12, 2012, which is really bad news for Mitt Romney. Talking heads have warned that if Mitt Romney blast Santorum with negative advertising it will be his doom and so this week there has not been any talk of Romney preparing for the attack until today. Romney said he has plenty of material to use in advertisements against Santorum and plans to do it contrary to what commentators and political analysts have offered as advice.

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