Sunday, October 16, 2011

Can Cain throw Everyone under the Bus and Get Away with It

I'd say that Herman Cain threw everyone under the bus when he said racism is no longer an obstacle in America to hinder black people from moving upward in society. He has been quoted as saying he "believe there is no racism in this country today that holds anybody back in a big way," and on a Fox News talk show he said he "left the Democrat plantation a long time ago", and "African Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view". As he had made these controversial statements, his climb on the ladder for the race to the White House has taken him to first place among the Tea Party Republican presidential hopefuls. His attitude toward those with Occupy Wall Street demonstrators shows his lack of understanding of the economic reality in America with job lost and protectionist taxation policies for the mega rich and wealthiest Americans.

However, the same controversial statements he made to impress the Tea Party Republicans is guaranteed to sunk him with African Americans' and general public opinion of him. As he becomes the target to be taken down by fellow candidates whose aim is to capture the Republican nomination and do battle with President Obama, he will no doubt lose any luster he now holds because his 999 tax plan has already been dubbed as unworkable and would eliminate Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid in totality. Hi 999 tax plan would also double the tax burden on poor and middle class Americans who are already hurting because of low wage growth for more than 20 years and lack of jobs due to overseas outsourcing. His statement that there is nothing holding blacks back from getting jobs in an open market ignore the fact that African Americans are hurting the worst in this job market with unemployment at 16 percent; which means that Herman Cain either has not heard the statistics or is ignoring the statistics and facts because they contradict his statement that there is nothing significant in this country today that holds anybody back in a big way. The facts are the facts and paint a very harsh reality for African Americans.

Herman Cain obviously learned some things from Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. Making wild statements will ensure you get the highest level of media coverage, and may sit well with Tea Party Republicans, but not with the general public, and once he begins to falter it will be to obscurity. It then seems doubtful that his real goal is to become the President of the United States or even a cabinet member in a future administration because his slide downward would not benefit any new administration.

More than likely, Herman Cain's end game must be to become a television personality, probably with Fox News.