Today, all the buzz is about Rick Santorum making rank in the race to the top for the GOP presidential nomination. Conservative Talk Radio talking heads have predicted that Newt Gingrich is now out and the new comer is Rick Santorum. I heard Rick Santorum this morning during an interview with William Bennett on the radio. Rick says he has a two part plan to end poverty. The two parts are one, graduate from high school, and the second part is to get married before you have children. He said doing these two things would lead to economic success. He got a little side tracked, in between moments of explaining his two part plan, he launched into telling tales about the president. He said President Obama has put a band on people using the word “abstinence” and that President Obama discourages marriage.
William Bennett praised Rick for his Christian dedication, and then Rick again launched into his fantasy story about the President banding the word “abstinence”.
It was a surprising interview in that at the moment he has a chance to climb up, Rick does not put forth serious talking points that will support him as a serious contender in the Iowa primary, but recites parental advice as a measure to end poverty.
I bet we all have given our kids that advice or have been given that advice by someone at some point or other. Did you ever dream it could become the national platform for the presidency?
Rick, America needs jobs, and jobs will end poverty.
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