Friday, January 6, 2012

Coming Up from behind may be Rick Perry

Mitt Romney came out on top from the Iowa Caucuses, but with a threat from Newt Gingrich to take him down with negative campaign ads of his own, Mr. Romney needs to be watchful all the more. And if Newt Gingrich is somehow teamed up by Rick Santorium who smells blood in the waters and now thinks he can take him, Mitt may be handed a serious blow in the coming weeks.

Mr. Romney should also watch out for Rick Perry who can produce financial backing to carry him and match Romney to end of the Election 2012 cycle. Governor Perry has been re-energized by his dedicated supporters, as all the candidates have a group of die-hard supporters and Governor Perry is unlike some of the others, he has the advantage of knowing powerful contributors. He has been described as an ardent fundraiser and knows what contributors would like to see him win.

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