Friday, April 13, 2012

The Hunger Games Starring: Trayvon Martin
By Terrence Grundy aka AVOG
 (A Voice of God)

I just finished reading the Hunger Games (Hunger).  I also just finished reading the facts about the Trayvon Martin slaying.  And I must say I’m astonished with the eerie similarities.  It appears that America has a blood lust. Or at the very least an unhealthy fascination with murders of teenagers; and not just the mere murders of teenagers but killings based on racial, social and economic differences. 

Death of poverty-stricken teens and racial killings are the highlight of both these stories. Tragic bloody deaths and wailing heart-broken families keep us captivated. We can’t turn away!  we long for more and more scandalous details about the demise of these young vibrant but underprivileged citizens. “Who’s right? Who is wrong?” are the questions we ask. We demand, “Justice!”  And, some of us proclaim “Justice rendered!”  We ponder, “Did they deserve to die?”  and if so, “Did they deserve to die in that way?” but mostly we want to know, what’s next?  will the impoverished people riot against the rich law makers?  will the wealthy ruling classes stiffen the laws against the lowly law breakers?

I realize you, the reader, have been bombarded with facts and statistics of both these stories so I won’t recap them in their entirety. I only will say Hungers’ story is based on random destitute teens being selected to participate in an arena where they have to kill each other. They have to survive to feed their families and communities. The tragedy of the Trayvon account is about a black teenager,  Trayvon Martin, being tracked by Mark Zimmerman because he looked suspicious;  and later Zimmerman shoots Trayvon to death claiming self-defense.  But I’m sure you know about these two tales. Because again I’ll say it:  America is fascinated with the murdering of our teenagers based on racial, social and economic differences. 

How else would you explain that moviegoers poured into North American multiplexes for the hotly anticipated futuristic sage The Hunger Games which obliterated the competition with a jaw-dropping $152.5M opening weekend, shattering records in the process? And how would you explain over two million signatures being collected via demanding that Mark Zimmerman be arrested and charged with Trayvon’s shooting. Based on the sheer number of signatures on the petition, it’s safe to say, millions of Americans are following this teen tragedy.   And they are intrigued with it.

The success of both of these tragic stories brings up a few questions. Where is our society headed?  What is the future fate of our children? How far will we go to entertain ourselves? How much money will, the movie: The Killing of Trayvon Martin, make? Or will it be called, The Shawzim Redemption or To Kill a Teen?  Whatever the title, will it render more than Hunger?  I think it will.  Because we must remember a key point to all this comparison: One happened on the big screen as a science fiction fantasy, the other is reality (literally) on our door steps. And we know how much reality TV appeals to our country.  Realism mixed with tragedy.  And throw in sentiment.  Sprinkle controversy.  And add a pinch of racial conflict, heated hatred, police mishandling, cover-up, shake and stir and instantly you have a triumphant stage show.

But this is more than just a show. Both these situations, Hunger and Trayvon have so many underlining messages.  They both give a glimpse of what’s in our hearts when we champion movies like Hunger and when we choose sides in relation to the Trayvon killing.  In Hunger we find ourselves cheering when an individual (teenager) is killed. But we tell ourselves that were only cheering because the character dying was wicked or insisted on trying to kill our hero.  We put our hands together in approved justification.  Inside we tell ourselves,” She had to do it!” or “That’s what they get!”  We leave the movie theatre or put the book down feeling good about enjoying it; or in some cases loving it.  The same with the Trayvon tragedy, we justify his killing on the same factors:  “Zimmerman had to do it” or “that’s what he gets!”  We even add, “The law gives him the right!”

Hey, I’m no judge. You’re not on trial for loving these stories. And for full disclosure, I read Hunger in hours and will see the movie like millions of other Americans.  No, I’m not judging you. Furthermore I placed my John Hancock on the Trayvon Martin, “Arrest Mark Zimmerman” petition.  Don’t judge me. I’m not the bad guy.   And Just like in the movie we forget who the real bad guys are.  I want to say, it’s you.  And that it’s me. But I won’t blame the player.  I blame the game. More to the point: The Game Makers. In the movie, these people make all the laws for every society.  And the main law requires teenagers to participate in the hunger games led and orchestrated by the hated Game Makers.  In the Trayvon tragedy it also has a villain.  And like Hunger, it’s not the necessarily the person doing the killing. It’s the rich who make the laws.

 In Florida a law was passed that states:  Fla. Stat. § 776.012. Use of force in defense of person
A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:
(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony;
So  the general rule is that deadly force may be used only to “imminent death or great bodily harm,” or “the imminent commission of a forcible felony.” A person may only use deadly force if he “reasonably believes” that the aforesaid factual conditions exist. These standards are the norm throughout the United States. These are laws voted on by the people but put on the ballet by the wealthy - marketed by the wealthy - interpreted by the wealthy.

According to ABC news, after he killed Trayvon, Zimmerman quoted the Florida’s “stand-your-ground” law.  Zimmerman understood this law and was looking for opportunity to partake in it. These laws and laws like them really stem from fear. Fear of the poor and of the black youth.  In this society blacks are feared.  And if I had to explain why the fear is so prevalent, I would have to say it’s because of the strength and the stamina of the black American; and that goes double for the black teen.  That’s why it is acceptable to kill them.  Society is terrified.  The fear sets precedent for Black America: it’s guilty until proven innocent. It’s punish and then prove.  Shoot first.  Question it later.  Because “Stand Your Ground” makes it legal to kill with no questionability and no accountability; making, “poor black teen hunting season” open all year round. 

The Trayvon tragedy is happening every day.  But most of these occurrences get little attention and is definitely not going to get a movie deal.  Hunger circumstances, where poor teens are being killed are happening in every city.  Black teens and poor kids are being killed and locked away in institutions every day.  Similar to Hunger, poor black teenagers have been placed in an arena. They’re handed items (weapons, drugs, etc…) and told to kill each other; instructed that, there can only be one winner; instructed you have to kill or be killed.  And after being regarded as 2nd and 3rd class citizens for the majority of their young lives, they buy into the game.  Adding to the problem, young black teens have seen their fathers, brother, uncles and grandfathers humiliated in these reality life games; subsequently when there harassed, called derogatory names, locked behind bars(while the authorities unravel all the facts) and it doesn’t  seem to them like racism.  It’s the norm.  I don’t mean normal.  I mean the norm.  And when you’re used to something happening to you, you presume it to be normal.  

In the movie Hunger, district 12 is the poorest district.  It was viewed by the wealthy law makers as the most minuscule of people.  District 12 is modern day, Black America. Black America is treated as 2nd class and sometimes 3rd class citizens. In the Trayvon story a White/Hispanic man killed a black teenager.  If a black man killed a white teenager he would have immediately been arrested.  He would have been booked into jail until the authorities unraveled all issues and pulled together all facts.  And not a soul would have (besides the immediate family) voiced any objections.  Living in America, Black Americans understand how these things are done.  Black Americans understand that when someone is killed (especially a white by a black man) be prepared to go to jail.  It’s what’s going to happen.  Whoever did the killing will spend at least 48 hours in jail.  And this must be legally in the guidelines of the authorities because it’s done every day.

Trayvon is dead. Zimmerman is free. Trayvon was randomly selected to star in The Hunger Games; and now gone from them.   But he is still fighting for his innocence.  He has to prove his innocence although he has already received his sentence: Death. And now his character, his motives and his life will attend court.  Wealthy White America has The Declaration of Rights but the poor and Black America has been excluded from fair justice for a long time.  It’s only in theory that Black America has the same rights as whites. The first and second article of the Virginia Declaration of Rights adopted unanimously on June 12, 1776 and written by George Mason is…  That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
What a joke! I don’t imply the declaration is a joke.  To suggest or think that it applies to Black America is a joke. It’s a gag, a prank and more to the point, a tease. Black Americans even smirk and sometimes drop to the ground clutching their bellies in uncontained genuine laughter at anyone who would really think this applies to them. I think the scientific technical term for it is: Fool.  I don’t mean to be pessimistic or fatalistic, just realistic.  Note:  the great equalizer is money.  If you’re black and have it (money cash, bread capital or big bucks) then these truth may apply to you: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. If you’re black without green please disregard last sentence. They don’t and won’t apply to the poor or Black Americans.  Don’t believe me?  Ask Trayvons dad. I would tell you to ask Trayvon but…
…A little over a month ago now he was murdered.  But I tell you, a Trayvon is happening somewhere every day. And unlike the book Hunger, this is real life. Teens are fighting each other and fighting for existence just like this book and now movie Phenom.  Trayvon is dead. He was killed in the streets. He was killed in the war. Yes it is a war. It’s a war on drugs. It’s a war on poverty. It’s a war on terrorism. It’s a war between the races.  Its war!  Like it or not. And in war there are casualties. Is Trayvon a hero of his war? Will Trayvon be given soldiers’ burial, flags hung at half mass?  And will he receive a Medal of Honor? Trayvon was killed in action.
Killed in Action (KIA) is a casualty classification generally used by militaries to describe the deaths of their own forces at the hands of hostile forces. Trayvon was killed by hostile forces.  The United States of Defense, for example, says that those declared KIA need not have fired their weapons but have been killed due to hostile attack. Trayvon fired no weapon.  KIAs do not come from incidents such as accidental vehicle crashes and other "non-hostile" events or terrorism. Trayvon was not killed by accident.  KIA can be applied both to front-line combat troops and to naval, air and support troops. Someone who is killed in action during a particular event is denoted with a † (Unicode U+2020: Dagger) beside their name to signify their death in that event. Trayvon the star of Hunger, based on the definition of KIA he should be denoted with a † by his name.  Will he get it?  He meets all the requirements.  Read them again if you don’t believe me.
Time will tell if Trayvon receives any honor. And eventually, a grand jury will issue a report based on its investigation. In the meantime, there are two competing narratives. In one narrative, Zimmerman followed Martin, attacked him, and then murdered him. Let’s call this the “M narrative.” In Zimmerman’s account, he followed Martin, caught up with him, and then left; while he was leaving, Martin attacked him, knocked him to the ground, and began slamming his head into the pavement. Let’s call this the “Z narrative.”  Who will win? Answer:  The wealthy.  The Game makers will win. The House always wins.
But with winning comes consequences. Nobody likes to lose. But people lose; its life.  And we have to accept it. But sooner or later we all get fed up with getting cheated, conned and duped.    Finally we scream: enough! And then what will happen?  Well, we are able to take a glimpse of the future of this country and see what will happen, if you’re willing to look.   All you have to do is examine further into the trilogy of Hunger. Because in the book Hunger, one of the main points to the story is about rebellion, demonstration against the establishment and uprising. It all starts with a glint of protest.   Also concerning the Trayvon tragedy, like Hunger, thus far there has been a glint of protest.  And that glint can only lead one way, toward: protest, rebellion, uprising, revolt and change. 

In conclusion, both Hunger and Trayvon’s slaying are generating a lot of awareness. They enchant us, entertain us and pull at our hearts. More to the point, Hunger did it to generate money. Trayvon’s slaying, well, it is what it is. But now that our attention has been attained, our interests have been peeked and our hearts have been touched.  We must not let this momentum weaken. We must choose: Love or Hate. We have to see the true underlying message. And again I’m astonished.  Not by the similarities but the extreme differences.  Because the world says hate and God says love! And yes our country, America, has deep rooted hate.   Trayvon and Hunger have exposed these hates and laid them out for all to see.  Hate of different ethnic groups.  Hate of the different classes. Hate for the rich. Hate for the poor.  Hate for the law makers. Hate for our brothers. We have to discover the message in the madness. And the the only way we will survive, together, is if we turn from hate, prejudice, injustice, selfishness, greed, jealousy and fear and turn to God. It’s really simple.  All we have to do is follow his command in 1 John 4:21: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We gotcha, A Gallivant to Puerto Rico for a Tan - Rick Santorum

People are wondering why Rick Santorum gallivanted to Puerto Rico without any organization there, yet seen soaking in the sun and enjoying the beauty of the land, instead of kissing babies and bending every ear he can for money.

Well, that run to Puerto Rico was a big tale on Rick Santorum. His current run for the GOP nomination for President is his test run. This is just a trial run, and not to be taken seriously. He does not have professional consultants, with the exception of his wife Karen Garver Santorum, no pollsters, no speech writers, practically no volunteers, no fundraisers, and a makeshift website. So why not sun bath in Puerto Rico, he has time to spare.

Rick Santorum do not have an organization to run for the President of The United States. This is a trial balloon that is being floated at the expense of Mitt Romney.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Republicans' Attack On Women March Goes State by State

The new Republican Party are proposing bills to restrict women's rights and it seems they are going state by state with their aim against the poorest of women.

Legislators in 17 states (AL, AR, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY, MD, MN, MS, NJ, NM, OK, OR and SC) are proposing bills to take the decision away from women to make own life decisions and give it to complete strangers to make.

In Arizona, Republicans propose legislation to make it necessary for women to open up their private health information records to their employer's to examine so the employer has an option to deny health care treatments on the based of whether they think it is within employer moral judgment to allow insurance company to pay. In other words, an employer can deny treatment for a woman at whim regardless of of what is prescribed by a physician, and use religious grounds as a justification.

These Republican are religious zealots and are trying to take over the country. God, there are so many of them. Just to name two, Rick Santorum wants this great nation to fall under the Vatican and Newt Gingrich is demanding that the President take orders from Israel.

We must not allow them to strip us of our constitutional rights of self determination. We must fight against New Republican Party dictatorial views and goals.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

GOP Smaller Government Is To Get Rid of Social Security and Medicare

All those in Republican Party seeking the office of the president, whether it is Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul are all in a consensus of bringing in a smaller government.

The type of smaller government they are talking about is aimed at those who can afford less abide with a smaller government, particularly seniors. Recently, it was quoted that Ron Paul said that disaster relief should be abolished and victims of natural disaster should find a way to help themselves get back on their feet. The Ohio Governor Kasich agreed with those sentiments exactly and when a disaster struck Ohio, the Governor not only said they did not need financial assistance from the Federal Government, he refused it.

This smaller government means eliminating social security and medicare. Seniors are almost always unaware that this euphemistic phrase is aimed at them, but the GOP nice way of saying "we are going to destroy social security and medicare" is to say we need small government, we spend to much. To the GOP it is a give-a-way and their austerity plan is to eliminate it all together.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Water Cooler - Rush Limbaugh Mad About Food Book

Everybody knows when Rush Limbaugh goes ballistic and dogs out woman over her food book, it tells you a lot about the man, he has a problem with women or food or both. He has been married four times, women must be his biggest problem.

Romney Limps to the Finish Line

The buzz on conservative talk radio is Mitt Romney's win in Ohio shows that he is lame and last night he had to limp to the finish line. The pundits seem to think Mitt Romney's troubles are his own making by not have adequate speech writers, saying things that just don't make any sense and sharing to much information on about his awful side, like singing cowboy songs that were written in the 1940s that only he knows the lyrics. Of course Rick Santorum is no better with his spirited arguments about women issues and defaming a cherished and beloved president.

Mitt may not know this but today, his supports were out in full force. We all know his obvious weaknesses, but he also has some devote and faithful followers because this morning there were numerous calls from supporters who says the media is to hard on Mitt and should give him a chance because he has steady wins, no matter that they are squeakers after pouring money into these wins.

There may be a kindle of fire in the making for Mitt Romney after all.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Matters For GOP Voters - Anyone but Mitt Romney

In this amazing race for the presidential nomination for the GOP on this Super Tuesday, Ohio is still out on who will be called the winner. Mitt Romney has not amassed a decisive win tonight as of this time, possibly leaving room for Rick Santorum to forge onward. Political analyst say that Ohio is the most important state to win in particular because no one seeking the presidency has ever won a presidential bid without winning Ohio.

It appears this will be a long night ahead for the political junkies that wait to hear every bite of news on primary night(s).

We update later!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sponsors Facing Boycott Because of Rush Limbaugh Comments

A list of Rush Limbaugh's sponsors and advertisers have been released by various blogs. Rush Limbaugh make personal attack against a young woman working her way through college and called her a slut and prostitute because she testified before Congress on the health issues that impact young women. For her testimony, Rush Limbaugh went so far as to infer she is a slut and a prostitute and asked if her parents could be proud of her. It was an outrageous attack.

A call on people with respect for public discourse has been made to boycott Rush Limbaugh's sponsors, the listed is as follows:

Clear Channel Communications (Parent company of Premiere Radio Networks, Inc.) 200 Basse Road San Antonio TX 78209 Phone 1-210-822-2828

Lowry Mays, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Mark Mays President and Chief Operating Officer
Randall Mays, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Lisa Dollinger, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communication Public Relations

Mid-West Life Insurance Company of Tennessee 9151 Grapevine Hwy. North Richland Hills, TX 76180 Phone (800) 733-1110 (web banner ads on

Tax Resolution Services
Online Ad on Rush Site

American Forces Network Contact Us:

Life Quotes, Inc. 32045 Castle Court Evergreen, CO 80439 1-800-670-5433

A Win for Mitt Romney - Big !

Mitt Romney can finally say that he has dusted Rick Santorum in the Washington State caucus. Romney barely skated in to win at his home rink and said himself pitifully a win is a win. But in Washington state, he did better, he won big with thirty-eight percent of votes and a 13 point lead over his closest rival. Trailing way behind, Newt Gingrich with 10 percent, Rick Santorum with 24%. Ron Paul was believed to have been working the hardest and he came in second with 25% of the votes.

The big cache of delegates, is 40 and winner takes all.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Unprepared Santorum - No Organization, No Delegates

Rick Santorum continues to demonstrate just how unprepared he is to be considered for the President of the United States of America.

He continues to lack organization but likes to brag that he is a one man show. Now where one of the most important primary contests is to be held, he will be ineligible to receive one third of the delegate count because he failed to submit the required paperwork in for the Super Tuesday primary in Ohio.

This is not the first time this has happened to Rick Santorum. In the Virginia primary, not just Rick Santorum, but also Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry were benched because they did not prepare the appropriate paperwork to enter the contest there as well.

Rick Santorum is a multimillionaire, but claims he did not get the paperwork in because he did not have the money at the time. Recently, he acquired a billionaire to foot the bills for his run for president, however, he still lacks organization, and that will take you nowhere fast.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The So-Called Sanctified Who Follow Rush Limbaugh

We have learned a lot about the men that are running for the highest office in the land. As the contest gets closer to an end, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul direct our focus on the striking images of them as the debate narrows and becomes aimed at dismantling advances made by women and their personal health and welfare. What we see of these men is false piety, no fear of God, no principles of honor, no respect for anything, and particularly the very office they seek to occupy. We can see them clearly and they are weak, angry, ignorant, entitled, incoherent, needy, panderer and flip-flopper.

The spiritual leader of the GOP, Rush Limbaugh called a young woman working her way through college a slut because she testified before Congress on the health issues that impact young college aged women. For her testimony, Rush Limbaugh went so far as to infer she is a prostitute.

Rush Limbaugh should be fired by the radio station and lambasted by Republicans. Not one of the men who want to be President of the United States of America stood up in this young woman's defense against this outrageous attack against her by their leader Rush Limbaugh.

How on earth do Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul think they could lead this nation. Even Ron Paul has been silent, although he claims to be the most honorable of this group. They are shameful for their weakness as leaders.

Hopefully the news media will have an interest in doing one on one interviews with each of the wives. The most important question to be put to them, should be, what they think of their men and press each one for the whole truth.

I doubt there would be many charitable words to describe them.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coming Up - Super Tuesday

The next stop is Super Tuesday with Mitt Romney ahead and moving onward. It is questionable whether Rick Santorum will be forging on even though he has talking points that he was a semi-winner in the Michigan primary, completely ignoring Arizona's loss. After a week of bad press and calling on Democrats in Michigan to vote for him to top Mitt Romney, most Republican talking heads radio and television are saying Santorum has no chance of getting the nomination.

Mitt Romney has an organization with a war-chest so he will be able to outlast and outgun all his rivals. Ron Paul has said that his primary objective is to broaden his message and take it to the convention. Newt Gingrich seems to have given up the ghost for now and waiting on the swing through the south where he can if possible buried his hatched in Mitt Romney's back. Rick Santorum has golden goose, but did Santorum cause its death from his inability to stick to political talk instead of preaching on a topic more contemporary two hundred years ago.

Come next Tuesday, March 6 primaries and caucuses will be in Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia.

Mitt Romney will need deck them all for good.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Governor Mitt Romney Wins both Arizona and Michigan

Although there was some doubt that Mitt Romney could win both Arizona and Michigan, he was able to pull it off tonight in both primaries. He won Arizona and his home state of Michigan for the GOP nomination for president.

His chief rival in the past month has been Rick Santorum who many believed had taken Romney's place as the top contender, even in his home state.

Santorum was ahead by 4 points at the beginning of the week, but his overriding emotional statements on religion, women's contraceptive usage and his shocking reference on how he felt at reading a speech by the beloved President Kennedy and stating President Obama was a snob for wanting America's children to get college education was just too bizarre for voters. There was even talk that Democrats would to partake in a bit of mischief and vote for Santorum to put him up over Mitt Romney, giving Democrats an easy target in the November vote. Not surprising that the comments Santorum made about President Kennedy turned the page for Democrats and other Michigonians who could not vote for such a man so little esteem for a fallen president, because there didn't seem to be any evidence that Democrats voted for him at all.

It was a huge loss for Santorum after going so far to get to the point of beating Romney.

As Rick Santorum made his concession speech tonight, his daughter looked on sadly over his shoulder as though she was thinking his time has come. There will be little more than this in in Super Tuesday, it would be best to pack the bags now and go home.

Santorum killed his own goose.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

What Goes Around Comes Around - Open Primaries

In the upcoming open Republican primary to be held in Michigan on February 28, there is talk that Democrats will do to Republicans what they did to Democrats in 2008 election cycle. In open primaries, both Democrats and Republicans are permitted to vote for the contenders seeking nomination. In election cycle 2008, Republicans voted in states where there were open primaries to elevate one candidate over the other and to create friction within the Democratic Party.

A lot of speculation is that likewise, in the state of Michigan there will be an open primary and it is the Democrats turn to return the favor of voting in Republican open primaries to elevate one candidate over another.

Democrats' likely favorite will be Rick Santorum. In the past two weeks Rick Santorum held a strong lead over Mitt Romney in his home state of Michigan, but it has significantly slipped away, and as of this time, they are in a virtual tie.

If speculation that Democrats will vote in the Michigan primary holds true, Democrats will likely plan to assist the tie-break with a vote for Rick Santorum while pinching their noses of course.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

In Arizona Romney Wins Another Debate

Mitt Romney was on his mark last night at the CNN Debate in Arizona. He stayed on the offensive side all night and was able to push past Rick Santorum to the right on the issue of immigration, finally beating Santorum on being severely conservative.

Sitting in a row of elementary school styled desks, Mitt Romney actually looked very comfortable and at ease. Ron Paul slammed Rick Santorum hard several times, and Newt Gingrich chimed in on a slam or two against Mitt Romney. Whenever possible, Ron Paul's intent is to take out Rick Santorum who appears to have slid back into second place. Newt Gingrich was very laid back as if content to throw rocks at Mitt Romney if that's all he had because by his airs last night, he appeared to have resigned to the fact he will not be president.

There were few fireworks at the debate, although you could tell the four contenders have made collegiate pack on defense and offense they were all somewhat subdued. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have teamed up and Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are the other pack.

So confident with his performance, Mitt Romney's campaign manager said today that they will win Michigan even though there has been doubt in the past couple of weeks due to polls.

A roving theory is that Ron Paul is helping Romney to position his son for the VP position.

This week there are bound to be fire-works in development as Super Tuesday is less than one week away.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Republicans are Running Scared

The Republican Party is scared that Rick Santorum be will come the nominatee for the party to run against President Obama in the November 2012 election. Among the elders of the Republican party, there are talk about drafting someone and the names that have leaked are former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush, Governor of Indiana Mitch Daniels and multimillionaire Donald Trump. Sarah Palin has volunteered her name to top the list.

There is reason to be concerned with Rick Santorum showing that he is erratic in his views and can not stay on point in a highly charged political atmosphere, however he is now leading the front runner Mitt Romney by approximately ten points.

Mitt Romney has spent a lot of money in the month of January and has a lot in reserve but he has been unsuccessful in putting away any one rival, although Newt Gingrich is still reeling from earlier one on one bouts with Mitt Romney. Another thing that is very disconcerting to Republican elders is the fact that Rick Santorum is in a virtual tie with Mitt Romney in his home state. Mitt has a 2 point lead and his senior campaign manager says it not important on he takes the state, what counts are the delegates.

According to a dashboard on the Huffington Post, Romney is still leading the pack.

Who’s Ahead - DELEGATES Romney 123 / Santorum 72 / Gingrich 32

Monday, February 20, 2012

Rick Santorum Now Doing Somersault - earth vs man

Over the past two days the conventional news media fired up Rick Santorum with questions on whether he is accusing President Obama of being non-Christian by his term of a non-biblical theology. As the Obama Administration implements the Affordable Care Act in stages, major companies are directed to provide insurance for women health services such a contraceptive care and pre-natal care. Rick Santorum said the President was encouraging abortions through subtle persuasion and that "pre-natal care testing" is really synonymous with encouraging women to "get an abortion".

Rick Santorum's expressing this concept is absolutely mind-binding.

On Sunday, when questioned by the news media, Rick Santorum went beyond doing a flip flop, he actually did a SOMERSAULT. Santorum said he was not saying that the President is a non-Christian, but he was talking about people believing that the earth matters more than people and some have placed the earth above man and think man should be subservant to the earth.

It is still unclear as to what Santorum is saying, but I think he now wants people to believe that President Obama is an earth worshiper, and not a Christian.

What does Rick Santorum want people to believe? He has stretched it too far, but for sure, Rick Santorum is extreme in most his views he puts forward, for example, Santorum wants to abolish contraceptive use by all women and make it illegal to abort a pregnancy under any circumstance and eliminate state and Federal participation in education nation-wide. He wants to totally eliminate the Department of Education altogether from state and Federal programs.

On several occasions while doing radion interviews Santorum has constructed similar assaults, for one, he told an audience that President Obama is opposed to marriage and encourages abortion because he works with Family Planning. Rick Santorum does not depend on logic or facts; he just makes outlandish statements as though they are fact, and thus far, has been getting away with it because media attention has mostly been leveled at Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. From time to time, the media has directed its attention to Rick Santorum, but less attention than to Ron Paul. Now that he has mounted the top tier, the news media is beginning to give more attention to him and thus his erratic and distorted views.

We have seen extreme sports, now we are watching extreme politics with Rick Santorum.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rick Santorum and his Death Panel Scenario of Government Pre-Natal Care Policies

Rick Santorum is now saying that President Obama is trying to institute a death panel through pre-natal care. He believes pre-natal care and testing is a subliminal way to encourage poor women to get abortions. Contrary to his belief, one hundred percent of women are encouraged by their physicians to begin a regime of pre-natal care prior to and during pregnancy. Santorum has strict religious ideas that lead him to distorted this routine medical practice as a way to discredit the president's policy on inclusive contraceptive insurance coverage for women.

As many know, Rick Santorum has seven children and is a multimillionaire who can afford so many children. The average income throughout America is fifty thousand dollars a year on which no one can afford seven children. Most women in American regardless of income are happy to have smaller families then generations of the past.

Rick Santorum admits he is guided by his religious beliefs that sex should only be practiced with the full intent to bare children and he is against contraception used. His attack against women rights to use contraceptive is but one of the reasons he was voted out of office by his constituents in Pennsylvania, he was also voted out because of his dogmatic and bizarre ideas and beliefs that belong to circa 1700s and not from our century 2012.

Although he totes his bible everywhere he goes, he continually twists the truth beyond repair all of his speeches this writer has heard as he makes rounds of America.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Rick Santorum continues to defends his position on making abortions a crime. Words below are exerted from a Meet the Press interview in June 2011, and Santorum has not deviated from his stance at all in Election 2012. In fact, he has been ardently expressing his opinion which includes why women should not be in the military due to the emotions unleashed, and his opinion of the "sexual realm" of which we should all be afraid.

Quoted below is a snippet of an interview of Rick Santorum giving to David Gregory of Meet the Press last year.

“...and I believe that, that any doctor who performs an abortion--that--I would advocate that any doctor that performs an abortion should be criminally charged for doing so. I don't--I've never supported criminalization of abortion for mothers, but I do for people who perform them. I believe that life is sacred...” June 12, 2011, Meet The Press - Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Foster Friess thinks Governor Mitt Romney best VP to Santorum

Tonight, in an interview with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC television news talk the Last Word, Foster Freiss a wealthy benefactor to former Senator Rick Santorum, stated that he believes the best position for Mitt Romney to take is vice president to a presidential bid by Rick Santorum.

In the past few weeks, it has been noted that Mr. Friess has appeared at least once at an political event with Rick Santorum and is believed to fund the Rick Santorum political pack where he contributes vast sums of money for advertisements and on behalf of the Santorum political campaign.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Former Education Secretary Bill Bennett Says its Over for Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich is trailing in the 4th position among rivals for the GOP nomination for president. Former Secretary of Education, Bill Bennett says it is completely over for Newt Gingrich and a done deal for Rick Santorum who has a nine point lead over Mitt Romney, if he plays his cards right. In Michigan, Democrats can vote for the Republican contenders and the word out is that most will be voting for Mitt Romney so they can keep the clown show going, because Newt Gingrich has gone back to shopping at Tiffany's.

In the meanwhile President Obama'as rating has risen nation wide to fifty percent approval because people feel he has been able to turn the country around after inheriting the country in economic, and the industrial structure in dire straits. Twenty-six months later, we are finally able to see that the country is getting right through program and initiates President Obama's administration have brought about.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rick Santorum Pulls Away and Ahead of Mitt Romney in the Polls

It has to be very frustrating when you have been ahead for a long time and just when you think you have finally put down your most virulent nemesis, a non-contender with no money, no organization, no charm pops up and clobbers you over the head. That’s Mitt Romney that is getting winded in this race by Rick Santorum whose unorganized campaign with a hit and miss strategy has put Rick in a tie with a slight lead over Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney has only been able maintain a modest lead over his rivals as he has been labeled the front runner. But since the three state win by Santorum, Romney has not been able to win over voters to be decisively declared the front runner, and now Rick Santorum leads him by 2 points in a Pew Research Center poll conducted for the week of February 8-12, 2012, which is really bad news for Mitt Romney. Talking heads have warned that if Mitt Romney blast Santorum with negative advertising it will be his doom and so this week there has not been any talk of Romney preparing for the attack until today. Romney said he has plenty of material to use in advertisements against Santorum and plans to do it contrary to what commentators and political analysts have offered as advice.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Truth or Dare - Newt Gingrich Told to Practice What he Preaches

A very conservative and very prominently conservative magazine, the National Review publishes a scolding article to Newt Gingrich asking that he drop out of the race for the nomination of the Republican Party contest.

In several polls this first week, Rick Santorum has been named to the top of the tier of rivals contending for the Republican Party nomination to run for president. In the wake, the highly acclaimed National Review asks Newt Gingrich to practice what he preaches and let there be a two man race. This request comes on the heels when Newt Gingrich was crowned the front-runner, he asked that Rick Santorum vacate the field so a clear and decision division could be made as to who would be the best opponent to run against President Barack Obama. And now, the National Review has turned the table and asked that Newt drop out of the race now that Rick Santorum has taken the mantle and made a better case by winning more beauty contests then Newt Gingrich.

"It would be a grave mistake for the party to make someone with such poor judgment and persistent unpopularity its presidential nominee," National Review's editorial board opined Monday. "It is not clear whether Gingrich remains in the race because he still believes he could become president next year or because he wants to avenge his wounded pride." They go on to note that "when he led... he urged the Pennsylvanian to leave the race. On his own arguments the proper course for him now is to endorse Santorum and exit."


I think few real conservatives don't think Newt Gingrich has a prayer to be president.

Exert from The Atlantic -

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Last Bounce for New Gingrich

Newt Gingrich seems to have hit his highest plateau and now fallen low for the past couple weeks after Mitt Romney bathed him in Florida. This week to get back in there he has brought out Callista Gingrich to capture and re-invigorate his appeal to the GOP. At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2012 event yesterday, Newt Gingrich was introduced to a packed conference room by his wife, Callista Gingrich. He is hoping Callista will be an asset by adding another bounce to his fledgling campaign which is said to be in disarrange and going broke. It is reported that his confidant Sheldon Adelson who holds the money bag has tied up the purse strings and is holding back on supporting Newt Gingrich in the future.

And, although Rick Santorum has gained a lot popularity evidence at CPAC since winning the last round of caucuses and primary in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri, Mr. Adelson will supposedly fund Mitt Romney next in the line of succession of Adelson's purse.

So all goes well, Callista can force a bounce for Newt, it maybe the last bouncing ball in the hand of the former Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Retrogressive is the Hallmark of GOP

Rick Santorum has emerged as the Super Star of the GOP for the month of February at CPAC 2012. He has obviously persuaded the GOP with his charisma, winning debates and profound ideology; hold it right there.

Rick Santorum is leading the pack with a retrogressive ideology that has been the hallmark of the GOP, but now it is cemented by the fact that no other brand in the GOP has a chance of moving into a position to be heard within the party. How retrogressive they will go no one knows, but at this point, they are passed being conservative to being severely conservative as Mitt Romney now describes himself.

This week Rick Santorum is opposed to women in the military which is not surprising at all considering of his positions on family values and women's right to define themselves. Santorum does not believe women capable of making decisions for themselves on matters of their mental health, physical health which includes reproductive health, spiritual health, nor upon where their soul may rest. Rick Santorum's frame of reference is a yoke of women that stop subscribing to men's idea of what is a women's place. Rick Santorum thinks that a women's place would be back to non-voting days prior to 1920s, historically referred to as the woman suffrage days.

Amazingly, the Catholic Church has found a rallying cry for their patrons, ie, stripping women of their right to choose. Yet, the church and most all their followers were silent at the abuses lead by the priest against children. Very strange church values, nevertheless, it is at the expense those less able to afford healthcare.

Rick Santorum says he cannot separate himself from his religious beliefs...of tyranny of women.

And, Mitt Romney wants to one up him, what will come from his old religious traditional customs? I wonder more if severely conservative means polygamy.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Re-post - Old Fashion Leg Work Pays in Colorado and Minnesota

In a surprising turn of events, Rick Santorum is currently leading the pack of GOP presidential contenders for votes for nominee in the States of Colorado and Minnesota at the caucuses.

As they say, money is not everything. CNN announced that Rick Santorum win the Minnesota Primary approximately 9:45 p.m. eastern standard time.

Amazingly, Rick Santorum wins all three rallies, 2 caucuses and primary with huge numbers. In Missouri he wins by 55%, Colorado 50% and Minnesota 43%.

The Republican party is definitely not satisfied with Governor Mitt Romney.

Some would say, the message here for Governor Mitt Romney is to get your dog, your money and go home.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mitt Romney Wins Nevada – A Win is a Win

It was somewhat conceded that Mitt Romney would win Nevada because the demographics there were in his favor with a high percent of population Mormons, and lower base of tea party in the region. However, the low percentage of voters that turned out to vote, again highlighted there is a enthusiasm gap that must be fixed before November 2012.

When you win big but people shrug it off and say a win is a win as though you barely won, there is a big problem and it looks like the enthusiasm gap is not going away anytime soon. In Mitt Romney's case, the party is looking for another candidate to get a better outcome for the Tea Party GOP.

Another “real” test is coming soon, as contenders rally in Colorado and Minnesota for voters. It has been predicted that Rick Santorum is the highly favored contestant in Colorado where he has been doing a lot of ground work in Colorado.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Watching a Tire Deflate Slowly

In Nevada, Mitt Romney pulled ahead again of his rivals racing for the finish line in the Nevada caucus today. The sound bites of his stomp speech there made me think of a tire deflating slowly. He has had to use a lot of muscle to bring down Newt Gingrich, and although he is down, he’s not calling it quits. Romney will need to get a knock-out, otherwise Newt will be in Mitt’s hair until June if he keeps to his word.

And, although Mitt Romney seemed tired, Ron Paul showed no signs of tiring as his audience was exuberant and possibly gave him added energy. Rick Santorum was last to finish, but was on television talking about how he is preparing his speech for Inauguration Day. Only guessing, it must be that his strategy is to wait it out for Newt and Mitt to beat each other up so badly they will finish off one another, and then Rick can step in over Ron Paul.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Recommendation for Romney taken by Gingrich

On News Talk Radio1070 KNTH Michael Medved and guest talked about the gaffee made by Mitt Romney in his interview with Soledad O'Brien that morning. They banter about how Mitt could clean up his statement about not caring for poor people, and the guest said he would tell Mitt Romney to say that what he meant to say he wants to help the poor to jump up as if on a trampoline. In retaliation for Mitt Romney getting the Donald Trump endorsement, Newt Gingrich stole the suggestion made for Romney to has used.

Newt used the trampoline idea to contrast himself against Mitt -- stealing others ideas so everyone will think he is brilliant.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Now we Know, Newt Gingrich has a Glass Jaw

The final result of the Republican Florida primary was a whooping 16 point lead for Mitt Romney over Newt Gingrich. Others in the primary Ron Paul and Rick Santorum fell far behind even Newt Gingrich. Most surprising was Newt Gingrich’s reaction after the voting, which was not only un-Statesman like but also delusional. He did not acknowledge the winner Mitt Romney, but forged on as though there had not been a verdict on the primary and he talked as though he was at any campaign stomp round. Mr. Gingrich went as far as to talk about his future presidential directives and initiatives. He swore he would be the people’s champion through his valor and fortune.

One thing for certain, Mitt Romney now knows that Newt Gingrich has a glass jaw. Gingrich is terrific on the attack, but when he is on the defense, he is unable to stand his ground. He becomes not only visually shaken but befuddled.

We will be looking to see if he is able to regain his confidence in the next bout.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gingrich Getting Trumped by Romney in Florida Primary

As Newt Gingrich is getting trumped by Mitt Romney in the Florida Republican primary this Tuesday evening, he continues to call for Rick Santorum to drop out of the race of the rivaling presidential hopefuls. Newt contends that he should be given a wide birth to take down Mitt Romney because he says he is the only Republican in the field of contenders able to neutralize and win against President Barack Obama. Rick Santorum says he is not getting out of the race.

Over the weekend, Mr. Gingrich complained that Mitt Romney was out spending him and using negative campaign ads against him, although Newt has been fighting brutally and even launched a website to tally up the tales told by Romney.

Mr. Gingrich says he will continue fighting until, and if necessary all the way to June 2012.

If tonight's primary proves to be a big loss for Gingrich, speculation is that he will not continue on past Super Tuesday, March 6, 2012.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Newt is Going for Broke

Newt Gingrich is playing it for broke. Although Former Speaker Newt Gingrich is trailing behind Mitt Romney by nearly 15 points, he still contends that he is the only contender able to beat President Obama in the fall, 2012 Election Presidential Race. He is as adamant about beating Mitt Romney as he is counting on his win of the White House.

Over the weekend his campaign has introduced a new website that list, as he says, the tales told by Mitt Romney. You can find all the sorted details at:

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Promise of a Job for Herman Cain

It is just what the doctor ordered and patient Herman Cain is taking the prescription ordered yesterday by Dr. Newt Gingrich.

One reason why Herman Cain could never be president is his total lack of political acumen. As he mounted the stage to hand off his endorsement to Newt Gingrich, it was never more clear that his seeking a position in the administration is at the root of his decision. The decision to endorse is of course late, but nevertheless somewhat worthwhile since he can still say he has a fraction of Tea Party grassroots to handover. It is not a rich cache because his 999ers would if not already, probably side with Dr. Gingrich since he is also a Tea Party darling.

Mr. Cain was probably vocal on landing a cabinet level position, but Newt Gingrich immediately made it clear the position would be a lesser position, his offer to Cain is a co-chair position on a commission to lead the policy on the economy and taxes.

The endorsement will probably not add much to the projectile of the Florida primary.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Romney Launches Ad Air Blitz in Florida

In a flurry of campaign advertisements directed at highlighting his opponents bad character, Mitt Romney has created an air blitz over Florida. The target is Newt Gingrich and according to CNN, over the pass several days Mr. Romney advertising attacks have created at least one collateral damage. Former newscaster Tom Brokaw is featured in one ad and the news network NBC has asked the Romney campaign to take Mr. Brokaw out of the campaign advertisement.

In the advertisement Mr. Brokaw is reported to say “Newt Gingrich, who came to power, after all, preaching a higher standard in American politics, a man who brought down another speaker on ethics accusations, tonight he has on his own record the judgment of his peers, Democrat and Republican alike," which is taken from the archived files of NBC network news of an announcement from the 1997 ethics violations probe.

In order to catapult himself back to the top, it appears that Mr. Romney has moved to a higher level of attack on Newt Gingrich since the South Carolina primary. This election cycle for the presidential contenders within the GOP has been up and down for each of them. In all, there have been five winners of the primaries, straw polls and caucuses.

It looks like it will be a no holds bar for these two going forward to the State of Florida primary January 31, 2012.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Shake Up in the GOP

Last night, President Obama's State of the Union Address made Republicans very anxious today and they have launched a conspiracy theory. The theory begans with conservative talk radio hosts asking the question, why are Democrats wanting to run against Newt Gingrich. One talk show host went as far as to claim that Democrats are playing dirty tricks against Republicans because they have started to run political advertisements against Mitt Romney to create a favorable climate for Newt Gingrich. This conspiracy theory also put into the list of characters, U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Peloski, who said she knows some dirt on Newt Gingrich, but she said she will not spill the beans, and suggests that Newt Gingrich come out with it himself, all of which is laughable.

While trying to blame Democrats for trying to prop up Newt Gingrich to eventually become the contender for the presidential race, Republicans ignore that the choice is made by Republican party members who they need to convince to get in line behind Mitt Romney since he is their best choice as a moderate Republican. As the litany of blame for Newt Gingrich existence was rested on Democrats, the host then went on to read an article by someone he thinks is obviously a great thinker named Terrell, who expressed absolute disdain for Newt Gingrich to the listeners. This fellow named Terrell said that Newt Gingrich not only has skeletons in his closet, but he also a graveyard at his front door. The host then added that if Anne Coulter dislikes Newt Gingrich, that enough for him. So why they are trying to blame Democrats for propping up Newt Gingrich is beyond reasonable thoughts.

Republicans want people to believe the reason they need to dump Newt Gingrich is because Democrats want him to win. But really, President Barack Obama's speech is what has shaken up the GOP.

President Obama is a man that says what he means and means what he says.

It all happened one night at the State of the Union Address !!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Florida Republican Debate - 1960 Time Warp with hope for Space Adventure

The debate among the Republican hopefuls Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul made a swift turn and like a wrinkle in time, they were hashing about space adventure, Cuba's bay of pigs eating sugar canes that were hiding behind sugar beets. A very distracted group in tonight's debate, with the exception of Ron Paul who stayed focused throughout.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Making News -- Christie mentions okay with VP

Pushing hard and reaching high to get back on top of the game, New Jersey Governor Christ Christie says he would consider being on the ticket for Vice President to a Governor Romney's presidency. Although he turned down the opportunity last year to put his hat in the race for president, he now will take the second seat a the table.

“I absolutely believe that, come November 2012, I’m going to be governor of New Jersey and not in any other office,” Christie said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “But the fact of the matter is, if Gov. Romney, who’s going to be our nominee, picked up the phone and called me to talk about this, I love my country enough and I love my party enough to listen” as reported by Aaron Blake to the Washington Post.

Governor Christie's decision to mention his position as a trusted ally is a juxtaposition to Sarah Palin's endorsement of Newt Gingrich, both of whom are self promoters with a unsubstantial collaborations and would probably drop each other at the drop of a pin.

Nation wide polling shows both Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin have low public ratings.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Newt Gingrich the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde of the GOP

The GOP begins a new ride with the newest top contender, Newt Gingrich as he jets to the top of the heap from the win of the South Carolina primary. During this past week Conservative Talk Radio hosts have described Newt Gingrich is being the GOP's rock star, their only contender able to match President Obama in the race for the presidency.

As I listen to Newt Gingrich spit fire, and seeing the hateful expressions as he unleashes verbal attacks on his rivals, he looks more like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde than any rock stars in this century.

Republicans are asking themselves out loud, if Newt Gingrich wins, would it be the first time a president has brought his mistress into the White House to make First Lady.

The tarnished Newt Gingrich is the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of the Tea GOP Party nominee.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Everybody Knows Not all Venture Capitalism is Vulture Capitalism

Did you hear Mr. Romney now say its painful to see someone loss a job; well the public is smart enough to know when one company is practicing in an acceptable manner of venture capitalism, opposed to a company that is strip-mining a business for mire profits. The fact that Romney said that he enjoyed firing people is what shed light on his attitude towards the work he performed directing buying up and then stripping companies of their resources to eventually trashing them and outsourcing work to other countries.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Creme O de Creme O Elitist Mitt Romney

The buzz on Conservative Talk Radio today was Governor Mitt Romney gave the best speech of his life after winning the New Hampshire Primary January 10, 2012. In Romney's speech he took on a more forceful personality, possibly to persuade the Tea Party Republicans he has the fortitude to go up against President Obama, although some say he has a glass jaw.

He said President Obama is trying to transform our country into an "European styled social welfare state", we the President and some Republican rivals resent success which goes against American's core values.

Governor Romney I believe Americans differ with you wholeheartedly. President Obama is not trying to turn this country into an "European styled social welfare state" but your business model and years you worked with Bain Capital you put many Americans in a positions where they may have needed welfare as you stripped companies of their resources around the country to enrich you and your investors for 15 years, outsourcing jobs to China.

Just today the President said he is doing all he can to encourage American businessmen with tax incentives to bring back jobs to America. The President and the Vice President hold a round-table and forum today on Insourcing American Jobs.

Americans are not resentful of successful capitalists, as most Americans dream of one day becoming successful capitalists themselves. Americans believe in working hard and believe it pays off in the end, and that is a core American value. Another core American value is to build up and strengthen the country, not tear it down for profit. A core value for managers is to not fire their workers, but to make sure they have what they need to make the business stronger.

Only the Creme O de Creme O Elitist would enjoy firing people and bragging about "enjoying it".

► 6:57► 6:57

Check out the link of a new video on Mitt Romney

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Black Eye for Bain Capital

In his quest to upstage his opponents, Mitt Romney bragging shamelessly about his years on the job at Bain Capital made a serious gaffe. In his gaffe on Monday, on the eve of the New Hampshire Primary, caused a self-inflicted wound when he said "like to fire people". It was an attempt to try to justify actions taken in a bankruptcy of a company verse shutting it down, and Mitt explained how he personally "like to fire people", which is exactly one of the things he did while at Bain Capital. Three of his opponents, Newt Gingrich, Jon Hunstman and Rick Perry have all jumped at the chance to use his words against him. They say Mr. Romney touting his experience being a job creator should be painted in a different light; Mitt self portrait should be on one destroying companies for the purpose of making profits and not job creator.

Mr. Romney not only shot himself in the foot making this revelation, but it seems likely he also have gave Bain Capital a black eye. Now, the company is being called Bain Vulture Capital because of the predatory tactics used in buying up companies and then scrapping them for profits, putting thousands of Americans out of work.

Tonight, Mr. Romney can enjoy a 37% win in the New Hampshire Primary, but will his winning streak continue as his opponents develop ads to capitalize on this gaffe.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Stunning gaffe leads to shot in foot

In a stunning gaffe today, Mitt Romney said he likes to fire people, which may lead to a serious drop in tomorrow's primary in New Hampshire, January 10. Following a timid debate on Saturday, the ante was raised on Sunday morning at the Facebook Republican debate, where his rivals began to launch serious attacks on his claims to be a job creator, his role at Bain Capital and other statements he has made during these debates. In response, Mitt Romney made a huge gaffe today, declaring he likes firing people. It set Twitter on fire and other conventional news media outlets as well. In any case, Jon Huntsman, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Rick Perry have been able to save some of their ammo, because Mitt Romney has shot himself in the foot, how badly we may learn tomorrow.

I wonder if the Twitter fire froze out President Obama's special session of "Office Hours" on Twitter today.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Walk in the Park on January 10 and 21, 2012

After a very non-eventful televised Republican debate on Saturday, January 7th Mitt Romney is standing pretty tall and a few heads lead over his closest rivals former Senator Rick Santorum and Dr. Ron Paul. Trailing Santorum and Paul are Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman. In their debate performances, the rivals barely touched Mitt Romney with kidd gloves, but battered one another for position of 2 and 3 places instead. Mitt Romney walked out of the debate stronger than ever and it is a given he will win the New Hampshire Primary on January 10.

Then, up next will be the move on to the South Carolina Primary, scheduled January 21, 2012. The political pundits have said it will be a virtual wrap up for Governor Mitt Romney in South Carolina also, because he will have a strong-hold that will stem from his wins of the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary to make it a shoe-in at South Carolina Primary.

This writer's prediction is Mitt Romney will be the eventual nominee for the final contest in November 2012.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Coming Up from behind may be Rick Perry

Mitt Romney came out on top from the Iowa Caucuses, but with a threat from Newt Gingrich to take him down with negative campaign ads of his own, Mr. Romney needs to be watchful all the more. And if Newt Gingrich is somehow teamed up by Rick Santorium who smells blood in the waters and now thinks he can take him, Mitt may be handed a serious blow in the coming weeks.

Mr. Romney should also watch out for Rick Perry who can produce financial backing to carry him and match Romney to end of the Election 2012 cycle. Governor Perry has been re-energized by his dedicated supporters, as all the candidates have a group of die-hard supporters and Governor Perry is unlike some of the others, he has the advantage of knowing powerful contributors. He has been described as an ardent fundraiser and knows what contributors would like to see him win.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Going Into Iowa -- Santorum has Chance to Climb Up

Today, all the buzz is about Rick Santorum making rank in the race to the top for the GOP presidential nomination. Conservative Talk Radio talking heads have predicted that Newt Gingrich is now out and the new comer is Rick Santorum. I heard Rick Santorum this morning during an interview with William Bennett on the radio. Rick says he has a two part plan to end poverty. The two parts are one, graduate from high school, and the second part is to get married before you have children. He said doing these two things would lead to economic success. He got a little side tracked, in between moments of explaining his two part plan, he launched into telling tales about the president. He said President Obama has put a band on people using the word “abstinence” and that President Obama discourages marriage.

William Bennett praised Rick for his Christian dedication, and then Rick again launched into his fantasy story about the President banding the word “abstinence”.

It was a surprising interview in that at the moment he has a chance to climb up, Rick does not put forth serious talking points that will support him as a serious contender in the Iowa primary, but recites parental advice as a measure to end poverty.

I bet we all have given our kids that advice or have been given that advice by someone at some point or other. Did you ever dream it could become the national platform for the presidency?

Rick, America needs jobs, and jobs will end poverty.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Some GOP Contenders Get Lesson on Time-Management

The top tier contenders Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry will have to sit out the Virginia GOP Primary slated for March 6. They both have fallen short on getting signatures needed to list in the Virginia primary, one of the states to hold a Super-Tuesday primary. Virginia has a requirement of 10,000 signatures in order to be placed on the ballot. In fact, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are the only two that will be on the ballot because the others were unable to meet the rules deadline to get in Virginia primary for whatever reason.

Super-Tuesday is where ten states nation wide run primaries or caucuses to determine the nomination for President of the United States of America, all on the same day. Usually there is much-a-do and fanfare in the media on the races on Super-Tuesday. The states that will take part on the Super-Tuesday showdown are Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia.

On the way to the White House it seems like a few of the GOP presidential runners have had an opportunity to get a lesson on time-management. This minor mishap may cost big for not paying attention to the details of their organizations by directing and managing strategic plans. This lack of planning gives voters a magnifying glass to look into their abilities in leadership and skills to run a campaign for the highest office in the land. In the coming months, we will see if voters will hold those who failed to meet the deadlines in a bad light or will they be given a pass.

There are state primaries or caucuses scheduled from January 3rd through June 26th, totaling 22 dates.

I think America will be suffering from Primary/Caucus burnout syndrome by the end date. In the meantime, I plan on taking notes of the winners and losers.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

President Obama is Right !!!

President Obama said it best in his speech yesterday in Osawatomie, Kansas, it's the math. We have tried it the Republican way for far to long, and it caused our country's economy to dive and it's about time all Americans face it, including Republicans.

America, we can not afford to give Republicans any more tries at it, they drove the economy in the ditch. They can't get it right because, it's the math!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Civil Rights Gained Can Be Lost

In every state where there is a Republican Governorship, efforts are underway to retract every civil rights gained pertaining to voting rights. Republicans are trying to enact laws to require individuals have some type of Federal or state identification to vote, such as a gun permit, driver's license, state or federal employee identification, or a passport. If you don't drive and 75 years old, you more than likely will not have state identification. This will adversely affect our seniors and our youth. Republicans are also doing all they can to re-district areas to disproportionately give votes to Republican candidates.

We will not allow Republicans disenfranchise our citizens again.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Mr. Cain, run not walk to retrieve your hat !

In current weeks, several women have said they were sexually harassed by Herman Cain. The most recent news of his womanizing comes from long time friend Ms. White who revealed that she has had a thirteen year long relationship with Herman Cain, which involved casual sex.

Ms. White says that Herman Cain also supported her, paying monthly bills and paid for extravagant weekend outings. Ms. White has apologized to Mrs. Cain and the Cain family for the embarrassment this announcement has made.

In the meantime, Herman Cain continues to deny the sexual relationship, however, admitting to a long time friendship. His campaign for president is now suspended until he has time to speak with his wife, planned for Saturday of this week.

We are all waiting on abated breathe.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Please no - not more birthers news

To some Republicans it may be okay to make fun of the Republican Tea Party creating a protracted claim that they do not believe President Obama is a natural born citizen and that his birth certificate is fake. It is clear that the ridiculous statements made by the birthers, that President Obama was not believed to be born in Hawaii, but somewhere in Africa was for fun and manipulation. Its obvious now, that it was a ploy intended to manipulate the voters with untruths and lies. I don't think its funny or right and I doubt American voters who really care about our country think it is funny or right. I think its the politics of lies. The birther subject keeps coming back into the news and really the corporate media needs to debunk this type of news coverage for once and for all (like the movie, Groundhog Day). There really never was any controversy relating to President's Obama's birth certificate. Once the birth certificate issue was verified by the agency of record delegated by the State of Hawaii as certified, it should have been the end of story. We have heard it enough already.

I wonder, do the present candidates think Americans will allow top tier presidential candidates to bypass doing debates by giving us hashed-over news stories about a birth certificate? The run up to the presidency should be a test of the candidate's metal, stamina, chops, experience and intellect and honesty. Rigorous debates that tests candidates with facts and figures and complex ideas should be a part of the presidential candidates run. I want to hear about Presidential Candidate Rick Perry's ideas on the important issues facing the country, specifically his jobs proposals, and the perimeters of the flat tax he proposes. Why make it easy for any of the candidates by letting them bypass debates. I guess we will see what the news media does on this score.

I believe that once facts are out on a news story, it is the obligation of news media to give it to us straight, and not recycled proven distortions over and over again as though it is newsworthy each time someone reiterate the same ridiculous pronouncement. Our Democratic way of live is dependent on the citizens being able to have trust in our media which serves as our instrument of interrogation of our powerful institutions we hold up as our government, whether be it administers by Democrats or Republicans.

Can we get the facts in this presidential election cycle, please.